Michael J. Harris
Parade Chair
Parade Route
Greetings from the Krewe of Sobek:
“Sobek Rides the Orient Express!" That is the Sobek theme for this Mardi Gras season. You don’t want to miss participating in our parade which will be Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 1:00 P. M. We invite all groups and/or individuals to participate – band, civic, school, religious, fraternities, sororities, businesses, social clubs, etc.
We are most appreciative for those of you who have participated in the past and we certainly look forward to your participation this year as well. We wholeheartedly welcome new parade participants and promise that we will do everything in our power to make this a memorable event. Below is all the pertinent information:
COST: $75 PER UNIT per entry; $100 for 3 or more motorized vehicles (cars, motorcycle, riding clubs)
After December 15, 2023 all fees will increase by $5 ($75 to $80 and $100 to $105)
All checks/money order should be made payable to the Krewe of Sobek. Online payments with applicable fees may be submitted here at our PARADE FEES LINK. Fees are subject to change.
STAGING: State Fairgrounds at 11:00 AM. You will be forwarded additional info when your entry is received.
ROUTE: Exit the Fairgrounds onto Greenwood Road headed west; right turn, headed north on Mertis Street; right turn, headed east on Lakeshore; right turn, headed south on Missouri back to the Fairgrounds.
If you have questions, please contact me at 318-518-6232 or you can email me at mykeljharris@aol.com. Thank you for your support, it is most appreciated.
Please complete the online entry form: https://forms.gle/mJyjYyiXMHAydP5h8
A downloadable entry form is available if necessary to return with your check or money order to P. O. Box 3215, Shreveport, LA 71133. If you have questions, please contact me at 318.205.0465 or you can email me at mykeljharris@aol.com. Thank you for your support, it is most appreciated.
Michael J. Harris
Parade Chair
Rosalind Howard Captain X
Eric Monroe C0-Captain X